I continue working on the project I have been working on since the last term. Therefore, I have already done a lot of research. On that point, I am adding part of it here, developing some ideas.
-formal elements: deformed figures and shapes
-art movement: Art-house, surrealism
-style/aestetics: grotesque forms, rustic, decay, dark
-keywords :
the path of the soul, the uncanny, transformation, fortune, overthinking, questioning yourself, flow state, trust the peace, recklessness, mystery, game, adventures, risk, anxiety, acceptance.
I still find the topic of the symbolic meaning of a deck of cards interesting, which expanded the philosophical side of this project. The decks are metaphors for transformation, different periods of life and phases of development. I will reflect these ideas through the physical changes of jester’s forms. ---this sub-theme is going to be added to my project. I want to arise philosophical ideas in my animation as well.
Colin Raff, Yan Schwankmajer and the newfound artists, The Brothers Quay definitely represent topics I explore as well. Moreover, Yan Schwankmajer, I think, is the artist who influenced my art massively.
This is the scene of Street of crocodiles by The Brothers Quay. They make uncanny stop-motion animation, exploring the topics of darkness and surrealism. Their art arises the ideas of the philosophical side of accident of people's lives.
The source I rely on:
-12 Principles of Animation
To be honest, doing research for an art project is new for me. Sometimes I find it hard or boring and stuck on the work. So that is my creative cycle so far)
Expanding on Sustainability:
Target client and audience:
I did a survey, but it is in Russian, because my target audience is Russian speaking.
Main points of analysing the survey:
50% of the respondents prefer physical exhibitions to online, so not only to post an art piece online but hold an event is extremely important. I thought that inspire of the depression and FOMO of my main target audience it is would be better to only show the animation online. But after the survey, I realised that people want to be involved in real things. Of course, if someone wants to see my work but can not attend physically because it is hard for them to be in a crowded place at the moment, my animation will always be accessible online.
slightly more than a half answered that the philosophical topics are the most interesting for them, whereas only a fourth part of interviewees are interested in mental health. Indeed, I am doing the mental health-focused project, but still, it has a lot of semi-topics such as the symbolism of deck cards, cyclically of life. Through my main topic, I also delve into more deep ideas.
This week I focused on research. I have done a survey and spent a massive amount of time analysing my project. I have summarised what I have done on this project the last term and did improvements. I found new artists, the Brothers Quay, whose works accurately relate to my theme, and drew inspiration from them.
This week I have learnt how to analyse your target audience and client. That was involving. At first, I found it boring, but then I got into it and enjoyed it. It helped me to understand where I have to work on. First of all, I understood that I should not do a physical exhibition, because my viewer who is struggling with any mental problem could find it hard to go out. My target audience is young people who have low incomes. Therefore, my product has to be posted on cheap or free online resources. As well, I figured out that the clay stop-motion animation niche is extremely underrated nowadays. And my chosen client who was famous for 'old school' techniques has stopped using that. So my semi-purpose is to make this sustainable eco-friendly interesting technique popular again.
This week's tasks were rather extensive than hard.
Concluding, all the research I did have significantly influenced my project and helped me to improve a lot.
Image list:
-The Brothers Quay. (1986). Street of Crocodiles. [Short stop-motion animation].
Retrieved from: https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=brothers+quay+street+of+crocodiles&qpvt=brothers+quay+street+of+crocodiles&view=detail&mid=78B9B4B75EEA624EAD5E78B9B4B75EEA624EAD5E&&FORM=VRDGAR&ru=%2Fvideos%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Dbrothers%2Bquay%2Bstreet%2Bof%2Bcrocodiles%26qpvt%3Dbrothers%2Bquay%2Bstreet%2Bof%2Bcrocodiles%26FORM%3DVDRE